How It All Began
Thirteen generations.
Precisely when the first farmers settled here is a matter of speculation. In any case, the first time our farm was mentioned in documents was in the 14th century. It is an entailed estate and has been in our family for 13 generations. It’s easy to imagine how much toil and love our ancestors put into cultivating the steep slopes high above the valley to ensure economic progress. Even today, a lot of work still has to be done manually. We take pride and pleasure in doing this. And we understand that working together as a family also makes it possible for future generations to have a good, meaningful life.
Living and Economic
Management Through the Ages
Like in many alpine valleys, our ancestors used to be self-sufficient when they ran our farm, which is 1500 metres up. The animals supplied milk, eggs and meat. Grain was grown in the fields. That changed in the 1950s when people became somewhat more prosperous and could afford to buy flour in the shops. The deep affinity that we have for the farm and love for what we do is unchanged through the centuries.
These days, we run the farm as a grassland operation with dairy farming. Thanks to a solar power system and firewood from our own forest, we mostly rely on our own energy.
Flower Varieties
Different Colours
Bunches Sold